Living Positive Victoria

Living Positive Victoria is a not-for-profit, community-based organisation representing all people living with HIV in Victoria since 1988 and is committed to the advancement of human rights and well-being of all people living with HIV.
From their website:
In response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the 1980s, Living Positive Victoria was created as a safe place to provide support and advocate those living with virus. The demand for services increased over the years and the organisation has now grown to a team of 16 individuals providing workshops, peer-support and activities that increase the mental, emotional and social wellbeing of those living with, or affected by HIV. Living Positive Victoria also works closely in partnership with a range of HIV-sector and other organisations to deliver a comprehensive and coordinated response to the needs of PLHIV in Victoria, nationally and internationally.
Living Positive Victoria’s services reach a member base of more than 1,600 individuals, their partners and family members and their families across all races, ethnicities, genders, ages, and sexual identities.
Living Positive Victoria is an Australian, incorporated association and registered Australian Charity for taxation purposes.

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