Melbourne Gay and Lesbian Chorus

Marking three decades of raising their voices for equality in 2020 Melbourne Gay & Lesbian Chorus is the southern hemisphere's founding LGBTQIA+ choir.
From their website:
MGLC sings united in our hopes for the future, strengthened by our common experience of struggle and using our music to celebrate diversity and promote acceptance for LGBTQIA+ people.
We work together to provide a supportive, inclusive community for all our members. From our origins as a small group of singers in 1990, we've thrived; gaining both in numbers and momentum.
Our repertoire is as adventurous as our community - we harness the boundless creative energy of our members to create musical experiences that are bold, imaginative and original.
Whether you join us for rehearsal or performance we welcome you: come share our song.
MGLC is an Affiliate Member of GALA Choruses, the international association of the lesbian and gay choral movement. GALA represents more than 190 choruses, their 10,000 singers and 750,000 patrons in Australia, Europe, South America, and North America.

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