Finding your way around - Member Profiles

This is a member only article

The most popular feature of our new website is our member profile listing, with lots of great ways to connect with other members based on your interests, location or even through hosting or guiding.

Here’s a few top tips to help you navigate the Member profiles and find other members quickly and easily.

  1. Members with a profile photo show up first in the profile listings. Check out the full help article here

    Adding a photo to your member profile is simple and quick. Click on the ‘Your Account’ button in the website's top right-hand corner. Then click on ‘edit your profile’. All you need to do from there is click on the empty profile image and upload a photo!

  2. The member list order will change randomly whenever you log on to the member site.
    This is to help you meet members all over the country, perhaps with similar interests. Don’t worry, you can always sort the list to suit your preferences, please note that you will need to sort the list each time you log on. The website will not remember your preference.

  3. You can sort member profiles alphabetically.

    There are a number of ways you can show member profiles. If you like an alphabetical listing, click on the little green arrow next to the ‘most recent’ button above the map. This will allow you to sort alphabetically by first name, last name and most recently updated member profiles.
    Note that the birthday and phone number sorting won’t work due to the setup of our database.
    The image to the right shows you exactly where to find the green arrow button

  4. You can do a simple search using the member’s name.
    If you know a member’s full name or part of their full name, type it into the ‘Search for Members’ box above the rainbow line above the map and hit the BLUE search button.

  5. You can search by interest.

    Find members with the same interests as you. Within your profile, your interests and network area are shown in their little grey box. Click on one of the interests within your profile, and all the member profiles will be filtered to show you members with that same interest! The full help article can be found here!

  6. You can search for members by distance from yourself or a town.

    Are you ready for some advanced searching? Clicking on the GREEN search button just above the map opens up the advanced search feature, where you can search members by the mention of a word within their bio, The distance from a town, their interests, region or if they host or guide. Look out for a full article on advanced searching soon!

    You can clear the search results by simply clicking on the green ‘Clear Filter’ button that will appear above the map when a filter is in place.

    Don’t forget to connect with other members by clicking the connect button in their profile. And if you share the same interests, you already have something in common!

    Happy Networking!

    Check back soon for some more Top Tips on finding your way around the new website.

    Has something got you stumped on the new website? Check out our member help page here. Or send us a website enquiry, and our digital team will write up a top-tip article just for you!

You can find more articles like this one by clicking the tag below, or to find more articles by this member, click on their profile image.


Joint Members on the new website


Host with the Most!