Member Etiquette

This is a member only article

Country Network is a space for all members to feel comfortable, welcome and safe. Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with the expectations of member etiquette and behaviour when contacting other members.

The updated Member Protocols are available here.

Please remember that Country Network is not a dating or ‘hook-up’ site. We are a social group that promotes and fosters networking and friendship among male-identifying members of the LGBTIQ+ community across Australia.

If you are looking for those sites, you can find them here, here or here.

When connecting with a member via their profile, please remember to provide as much information about yourself as possible to ensure that the other member receiving your message feels comfortable knowing who you are and why you are contacting them.

The other member you contact is under no obligation to accept your contact and may choose to either ignore your message or reply with a polite decline if they wish.

Country Network promotes and fosters networking and friendship among male-identifying members of the LGBTIQ+ community within Australia

As a reminder, please familiarise yourself with these sections of the Member Protocols.


  1. Country Network is a safe space for all members and requires all members to embrace our core values of courtesy, respect, and tolerance for each other.

  2. Country Network does not make any moral judgment on individual members' lifestyle, behaviour or actions, provided the member complies with Australian law or regulations and does not contravene the member protocols.

  3. Members should appreciate that other members may have issues, incidents or situations in their lives of which others may not be aware. Please support members where possible and respect a member’s request or wish.

  4. All members must respect and support all other members’ privacy, the extent of openness about and disclosure of themselves and their life/sexuality provided the member complies with Australian law or regulations and does not contravene the member protocols.

  5. Country Network members may not always share similar views and opinions, but all member’s views and opinions should be respected, provided the member complies with Australian law or regulations and does not contravene the member protocols.

  6. Any non-members at Country Network events are the responsibility of either the event organiser or the member who invited them. They are expected to follow member protocols and behaviours outlined in the member protocols.

  7. Country Network does not tolerate or accept the following:

  • Discrimination, including, but not limited to, discrimination based on race, age, nationality, sexual orientation, sexual identity, employment, disability, religion, and political belief.

  • Abusive, coercive and bullying behaviour.

  • Harassment, including, but not limited to, unwanted attention/advances and inappropriate behaviour.


  1. Country Network promotes and encourages support, networking and friendship between members, which has created a tradition of hosting and providing accommodation to fellow members.

  2. Hosting is not obligatory. Even if you have previously indicated that you can host, it is your right to decline a hosting request. A members’ choice to host (or not) is to be respected. A refusal is not to offend.

  3. To ensure successful hosting for both the host and the guest, consider the following protocols:

    • When making initial contact, please use discretion, as the member’s living arrangements may be unknown to you or may have changed.

    • Country Network realises that initial visits can come with some anxiety for both host and guest. Remember neither host nor guest is a stranger; both are fellow Country Network members.

    • Hosting provides mutual benefits to both guest and host, such as support, friendship and networking especially for members in regional, rural and remote areas. Whenever you may be travelling, please strongly consider this opportunity as often you may be doing your host a favour.

    • A member’s capacity to host is on the member’s profile on the Country Network website, however they may change their details at any time for any reason.

    • To make an initial enquiry for accommodation, provide the member with sufficient time to consider your request. A refusal is not to offend.

    • Hosts must clearly advise the living/accommodation/sleeping arrangements to guests upon initial enquiry.

  4. To enable both host and guest to enjoy their experience of shared accommodation, remember the following:

    • Establish boundaries and expectations before, or when, the guest arrives. This may include length of stay, personal requirements, privacy, any commitments such as work or family arrangements, etc.

    • Be sensitive to a member’s financial and personal situation and contribute to any expenses or the workload resulting from your stay.

    • Both hosts and guests should respect that either may have arrangements or commitments that do not include the other.

    • Communicate clearly and do not make assumptions.

  5. Guiding is to offer assistance to visitors when they visit your town or region. Some guidelines for guiding are:

    • The level of assistance is by mutual agreement between the visitor and guide.

    • Give your host reasonable prior notice, as the guide may not be available at short notice.


  1. A grievance may include, but is not limited to, discrimination, harassment, a disagreement and inappropriate/offensive behaviour.

  2. Any member who may have a grievance or concern with any member and/or matter can complete a Grievance Form which is available in the Member Only section of the Country Network website. (

  3. The committee will deal with the matter in an objective, sensitive and confidential manner.

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