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Can I bottom with haemorrhoids?

Adding anal to the mix makes haemorrhoids an even itchier subject. But as gays who may enjoy receiving or giving butt play, it’s important to know what exactly those hole posts are and what to do about them so that you can take care of your own (or someone else’s) assets.

A pain in the butt, haemorrhoids are, unfortunately, very common. In fact, more than half of people will experience them before they’re fifty.

We’ll take you through everything you need to know about these arse grapes and talk all things prevention and treatment, so you can get back to being a busy bottom ASAP!

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Country Network Country Network

8 syphilis myths and misconceptions:

One of the big three STIs – syphilis is a common Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) which affects gay and bi guys.

What’s also common are certain myths and misconceptions about syphilis, which can stigmatise the STI and discourage people from getting treated.

From how it’s transmitted to how to treat it, we’ve pulled together some myths surrounding syphilis so you know how best to manage a case of it.

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Country Network Country Network

Member Etiquette

Country Network is a space for all members to feel comfortable, welcome and safe. Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with the expectations of member etiquette & behaviour when contacting other members.

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Joint Members on the new website

Are you besotted with your dearly betrothed? Want to tell the world how much you are in love? Declare your partnership far and wide? Find out more about Joint Memberships on the new Country Network Website.

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Finding your way around - Member Profiles

The most popular feature of our new website is our member profile listing. Here’s a few top tips to help you navigate the Member profiles and find other members quickly and easily.

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Host with the Most!

One of the unique aspects of Country Network is getting out and about around Australia and meeting other members, often staying with another member for a short time.

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Tell us your news!

Are you secretly harbouring a desire for fame and fortune?

Well, Country Network can help you... kinda... sorta... maybe!

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